Action Required: LinkedIn (OAuth1) End of Life on March 1, 2019

In December 2018, LinkedIn announced that it would be making changes to its Sign In APIs that included shutting off their v1 APIs and disabling the use of OAuth1.

Janrain’s current LinkedIn integration relies on both on OAuth1 and the v1 Sign In APIs. We have been building an entirely new LinkedIn (OAuth2) provider in order to support the migration. This new provider will be available in the Engage dashboard as of Monday February 25 and can be immediately enabled for your applications.

In order for LinkedIn logins to continue working, customers will need to take the following steps by March 1, 2019:

  1. Configure the new LinkedIn (OAuth2) provider in the Janrain dashboard using your existing LinkedIn developer app.

    1. In the Janrain dashboard, you will simply need to copy your existing clientID and secret from the current LinkedIn provider and move them to the new LinkedIn (OAuth2) provider.

  2. Configure new callback URL in LinkedIn

    1. Example: https://<appname>

  3. Update which providers are enabled in the dashboard and possibly your website.

    1. No changes are needed to the LinkedIn (OAuth1) provider other than removing it from the list of available providers for login. Otherwise, two LinkedIn buttons will be presented.

    2. If you are specifying providers on your web page instead of relying on configured providers from the dashboard, you will need to update the following JS setting:

      1. janrain.settings.providers

      2. The list should include ‘linkedin-oauth2’ instead of ‘linkedin’

    3. If you are not relying on the Janrain widget to render login buttons then you will need to use ‘linkedin-oauth2’ in place of ‘linkedin’ for the provider name.